Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Quick Update

For those of you who were rooting for Beau, he now has a new home with us here on Quitman Street ... and sort of a new name.

I decided to keep the name he came with, much as I did with Mister Oliver, but when I got him home my son started calling him "Pierre". Go figure. At any rate I call him Beau. My son calls him Pierre and it just sort of naturally melded into "Beaupierre".

Been a very, very long time since I've had a cat but I've always wanted to have both a dog and kitty living with me. So far so good with Oliver and Monsieur Beaupierre. Oliver is still learning to restrain himself with the little guy. He likes to lick and clean him but sometimes that big furry mouth opens up just a bit. Luckily he has what is know as a "soft mouth" (or soft bite) and is a very gentle soul with little prey drive. Monsieur Beaupierre, on the other hand, knows no fear and is already running around the house, perching on bookshelves and tables and tauting Mr. Twist. I think he is going to be pretty darn good at taking care of himself and won't need me to watch over him for long. As soon as I can get them both to sit still together ... a few minutes a day Ollie decides to lay down with him and clean him up ... I'll try to get some pix of them together. Meanwhile, may I introduce Monsieur Beaupierre:

All in all it's quite wonderful to have these two lounging around in my office as I work ... or scampering around the office while I try to work, depending on the time of day and the energy level of one or both. Beaupierre has a love of the desktop and, just as many of you warned me, is frequently draped across the keyboard. Good excuse for not getting much work done this week.

I can't stop watching them. So cute! So funny!

Happy little family :-) Now if I can just teach Beaupierre to run along side the bicycle with Ollie ..... :-)



  1. What a lovely addition to your family! Beaupierre is the perfect name. He is beautiful.

  2. So cute! My female white maltese is 6 months old now and entering what in humans would be the terrible 3's. They are so much fun to watch and I wish you nothing but happiness with your new furbabies.
